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The 2nd Applied Macroeconomics Forum (2021):AI, Machine Learning, and Macroeconomic

发文时间: 2021-12-08 阅读次数:


Saturday, Dec 11 (8:30-10:50, Beijing time) | Friday, Dec 10 (19:30-21:50, US Eastern Time)

Moderator: Zidong An (Renmin University of China)

Welcome and Introduction

8:30—8:40 Speaker: Xinye Zheng (Renmin University of China)

Keynote Speech

8:40—9:20 Keynote Speech: Will the AI Revolution Cause a Great Divergence?

Speaker: Chris Papageorgiou (International Monetary Fund)

Session 1

9:20—9:50 Title: The Impact of Multidimensional Price Uncertainty on Energy Systems - A Combination of System Optimization Models and Machine

Speaker: Wenji Zhou (Renmin University of China)

Session 2

9:50—10:20 Title: The Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Uncertainty in China

Speaker: Xuguang Simon Sheng (American University)

Session 3

10:20—10:50 Title: The Spillover Effect of Peak Pricing

Speaker: Bowei Guo (Renmin University of China)


Sunday, Dec 12 (8:30-10:40, Beijing time) | Saturday, Dec 11 (19:30-21:40, US Eastern Time)

Moderator: Jia Cao (Renmin University of China)

Keynote Speech

8:30—9:10 Keynote Speech: Gradual Market-oriented Reform, Industrial Policy and Economic Growth: From the Perspective of Industrial Chain

Speaker: Chen Lin (Renmin University of China)

Session 1

9:10—9:40 Title: The World Uncertainty Index

Speaker: Hites Ahir (International Monetary Fund)

Session 2

9:40—10:10 Title: C-Suit's Attention and Leverage Dynamics

Speaker: Dingqian Liu (University of Chicago and American University)

Session 3

10:10—10:40 Title: Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence

Speaker: Wei Pan (Renmin University of China)



Introduction of Speakers

Saturday, December 11 (8:30 am—10:50 am)

Professor Xinye Zheng joined Renmin University of China in 2006 after receiving his Ph. D. in Economics at Georgia State University. He is currently the Dean of the School of Applied Economics, Renmin University of China, and the director of the program “History of Poverty Alleviation in the People's Republic of China". Professor Zheng’s research interests are Energy Economics, Carbon Economics, Industrial Economics, Digital Economics, Globalization and Global Policy Synergy. He has published peer-reviewed papers in journals such as Nature Energy, Energy Economics, China Economic Review, Environmental and Development Economics, Energy Policy, Regional Environmental Change.

Chris Papageorgiou is Chief of the Development Macroeconomics Division in the Research Department. He has led and participated in several country missions. He has also contributed to policy work on a variety of developing economy issues including transformation and diversification, public investment and capital flows. He has published extensively, and is an associate editor of the European Economic Review and IMF Economic Review.

Wenji Zhou is Associate Professor at the Department of Energy Economics in School of Applied Economics, Renmin University of China. His major research interests lie in (macro) energy system modelling, low-carbon technology assessment and the interplay between economy, energy and climate. Before joining Renmin University in 2021, he worked at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway as Senior Researcher, and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria as Research Scholar, respectively.

Xuguang Simon Sheng is an Associate Professor of Economics at American University. His research interests include time series econometrics, economic and financial forecasting. He has published in Journal of Econometrics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of International Monetary and Finance, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Oxford Handbook on Economic Forecasting. He has also been awarded a Heinz König Young Scholar Award from Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). He has served as a reviewer for highly ranked journals in his field, as a reviewer for National Science Foundation and as a co-organizer of four international conferences.

Bowei Guo is an assistant professor at the School of Applied Economics at Renmin University of China. Bowei received his PhD in July 2020 from the University of Cambridge, and now is also an associate researcher at the Energy Policy Research Group, University of Cambridge. He is currently working on topics related to carbon pricing, consumer behaviors in the electricity market, electricity market integration, China's electricity market reform, and economic and energy restructuring towards carbon neutrality.

Sunday, December 12 (8:30 am—10:40 am, Beijing time)

Professor Chen Lin is now the Deputy Director of the Research Department, Renmin University of China. His research focuses on economic structure. His work has been published in top journals at home and abroad, such as Economic Research Journal, China's Industrial Economics and Nature Communications.

Hites Ahir is a senior research officer in the IMF’s Research Department. His areas of research expertise are housing markets and forecast assessment. He previously worked at the Inter-American Development Bank where he assisted with analysis of the Southern Cone economies. He did his graduate work in economics at Johns Hopkins University.

Dingqian Liu is a Research Fellow at University of Chicago and a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at American University. Her research focuses on uncertainty, attention, stock market volatility and behavioral finance. Her other interests include Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). She also has affiliation with The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Wei Pan is the Director of the Digital Economy Department at the School of Applied Economics, Renmin University of China. At present, he focuses on multi-dimensional considerations of economic development, environment, and health. The primary research areas are artificial intelligence, digital economy, input-output, environment and health, and risk management. He has undertaken five projects for the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). In 2020 and 2021, he served as a member of the second instance expert group of the civil aviation joint fund project of the NSFC. He has published more than 50 papers as the first or corresponding author, including nearly 30 SCI/SSCI papers. He is the guest editor of Energies special issue on "Artificial Intelligence Applications in Petroleum Supply and Management".

Instructions for All Participants

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- - Mr.Ma +86 010 82500261



