能源经济学研讨会【总第112期】——How to get published in journals
本次能源经济学研讨会邀请到爱思唯尔环境科学和环境管理类期刊出版人夏瑜博士和国际科学技术和医学期刊经济类出版总监Bethan Keall分享学术发表经验。
10:00-11:00 报告1:夏瑜博士演讲How to get published
11:00-12:00 报告2:Keall博士演讲Introduction to Economics
报告1: 良好的学术交流需要更好地理解出版流程并具有优秀的写作能力,尤其是在与跨学科读者分享科研成果时存在不同层面的挑战性,从为什么要面向跨学科读者到如何以及从哪里入手,似乎都与传统的学术发表有些许不同。本次讲座将从出版人的角度对写作、同行评审和出版过程的各方面做广泛的介绍,并深入探讨如何在跨学科期刊上发表研究成果。
报告2: In the talk there will be information about Economics and Finance research in China followed by a deep dive into a publisher’s view of Economics Research at Renmin University of China. Finally, Open Access will be discussed and the trends in Open Access publication.
夏瑜博士是爱思唯尔环境科学和环境管理类期刊出版人,负责管理包括 Journal of Environmental Management、Resources, Conservation & Recycling、Waste Management、Environmental Impact Assessment Review 等在内的十余本国际期刊。夏瑜博士毕业于复旦大学物理系,之后赴德国海德堡大学和瑞士巴塞尔大学继续深造,分别获得物理学硕士和环境学博士,研究领域涉及土壤学和地下水的水力传导和对植物根系的影响,天然放射性同位素的应用,大气污染物和微生物的传播与扩散,碳元素循环以及气候变化。夏瑜博士在加入爱思唯尔之前曾就职于联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作小组任科技官员,其主要任务是基于近 5 年已经被接受或出版的科技文献,对气候变化科学知识的现状,气候变化对社会、经济的潜在影响以及如何适应和减缓气候变化的可能对策进行评估,为政治决策者提供相应的技术支持。
Bethan Keall started her role as STM Journals Publishing Director of Economics in April 2019 and previously worked as Publishing Director for Computer Science and Earth & Energy. She started the company back in 2002 in Pharma sales having completed a degree in Geography and Geology Bsc. She looks after a vibrant and varied portfolio, with a team and they are responsible for over 90 journals (proprietary, society-owned and society affiliated) in Economics, Finance, Accounting and Marketing. She is responsible for strategic growth and development in those areas, including organic growth, new launches and society partnerships.
能源经济学研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)由新葡京官网 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究中国能源经济问题的学者提供交流的平台,以促进我国能源经济教学研究水平的提高。
联系人:张晓兵([email protected])
中国人民大学 新葡京官网 能源经济系