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能源经济学研讨会【总第111期】Explorations in Understanding China’s Environmental Governance

发文时间: 2019-05-24 阅读次数:
<span style="font-size: 14px;">能源经济学研讨会 【总第101期】</span>

本次能源经济学研讨会邀请到香港城市大学公共政策系Wanxin Li副教授做学术演讲。




Environmental governance is defined as government agencies, the business community, civil society, and transnational organizations who work through formal and informal institutions to manage and conserve environmental and natural resources, control pollution, and resolve environmental conflicts. In this seminar, Wanxin Li will report her explorations in understanding China’s environmental governance. More specifically, she will share, from a macro to a micro level, diagnosis of policy design, institutional capacity of environmental protection bureaus, and distribution and driving forces of carbon emissions. In the meantime, she will also report analysis of influencing and bargaining, learning, and socializing and learning among different actors in China’s environmental governance.


Wanxin Li is an associate professor at the Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong. She has worked with the World Bank, OECD and TsinghuaUniversity in the past.

Her research has been focused on policy experimentation and evaluation for sustainable development in China. The topics of her publications include policy design and innovation, institutional capacity of government agencies and policy outcomes, health and subjective well-being, and individual environmental attitudes and behaviors. Her articles appear in tier one academic journals such as Nature, Land Use Policy, Journal of Environmental Management, Habitat International, The China Quarterly, Administration and Society, Children and Youth Services Review and Child Indicators Research. Besdies, she was a guest editor for Journal of Environmental Management. In addition to the research community, her work also speaks directly to policy-makers. Single authored the OECD 2009 report entitled "Eco-innovation policies in the People's Republic of China". Being invited to speak at forums such as the Policy Dialogue with the Ministry of Environmental Protection in Beijing, the OECD International Conference on Environmental Compliance Assurance in Paris, the Trade and Environment Session of the WTO 2011 Public Forum in Geneva, and others.

能源经济学研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)由新葡京官网 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究中国能源经济问题的学者提供交流的平台。

联系人:张晓兵([email protected]

新葡京官网 能源经济系