区域与城市经济学研讨会 | Do Ride-Sharing Services Cause Traffic Congestion?
Do Ride-Sharing Services Cause
Traffic Congestion?
14:00-15:00 学术报告
15:00-15:30 参会人员交流
主讲人:逄金栋 武汉大学经管新葡京官网 经济系
This paper evaluates the impact of ride-sharing services on traffic congestion by analyzing the effect of Uber entries on vehicle miles travelled (VMT) in 347 US MSAs between 2009 and 2017. Empirical results show that Uber entries on average decrease the total VMT by about two percent. A further analysis indicates that Uber decreases the VMT on highways but increases the VMT on collector roads. Due to this heterogeneous effect, Uber’s effect on travel times is uncertain and depends on the share of time spent on each type of roads. All these effects come from the large MSAs and Uber entries have no effect on the VMT in smaller MSAs. These results provide guidance for policy makers aiming to mitigate traffic congestion by regulating the ride-sharing industry.
Key words: ride-sharing; traffic congestion; Uber
逄金栋,讲师,武汉大学经管新葡京官网 经济系。教育经历包括:美国雪城大学(2014.7-2018.5);西安交通大学(2007.9-2011.7;2011.9-2013.7),其研究领域包括城市、区域以及房地产经济学。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目。研究成果发表在Journal of Applied Econometrics, Regional Science and Urban Economics。
区域与城市经济学研讨会(Spatial and Urban Economics Seminar)由新葡京官网 区域与城市经济研究所定期推出,旨在为研究中国区域与城市经济问题的学者提供交流的平台。
联系人:卢昂荻([email protected])
责任编辑:宋枫 杨青林