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中国人民大学---北京市高校学科共建系列活动 能源与气候经济学研讨会及期刊交流会

发文时间: 2019-05-17 阅读次数:



9:00-9:10 致辞:郑新业(新葡京官网 )


主持人:陈占明(新葡京官网 )


9:10-9:50 Aggregate Embodied Energy/Emission Intensities and Their Driving Forces using Input-Output and Structural Decomposition Frameworks

主旨报告 魏涛远(挪威国际气候研究中心)

9:50-10:30  Energy Efficiency Gap and Target Setting: A Study of Information Asymmetry between Governments and Industries in China

主旨报告 王赞信(云南大学)

10:30-11:10 经济系统恢复力及其影响因素研究


国际期刊《Energy Economics》投稿经验交流

11:40-13:30 午餐


主持人:宋枫(新葡京官网 )

报告人:Jean Tsitaire Arrive(北京科技大学)

13:30-14:00 Corporate social responsibility towards sustainable business development


14:00-14:30 北京二氧化碳排放因素分析:以北京市为例


14:30-15:00 动态因子模型与预测

报告人:张晓兵(新葡京官网 )

15:00-15:30 Price Competition in Retail Gasoline Market: Empirical Evidence from China

15:30-16:00 休息

16:00-17:30 期刊圆桌讨论




宋  旭,《中国环境管理》主编

王  敏,《经济学》(季刊)副主编

王赞信,Journal of Environmental Management(SCI)副主编

魏  楚,Environment, Development and Sustainability(SCI)副主编

秦  萍,Environment and Development Economics(SSCI)副主编


苏斌 (Dr. Su Bin) 是新加坡国立大学能源研究所高级研究员,能源与环境研究中心副主任,能源系统建模团队负责人,同时担任新加坡节能和低碳路径发展研究项目总负责人。主要研究领域为能源和环境经济与政策、能源与气候变化、能源环境系统建模和分析,在能源和环境相关的国际期刊上已发表SCI/SSCI论文60多篇,研究工作被引用3000多次,入选2018年科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)全球高被引科学家(交叉领域Top 1%)。现任Energy Economics (SSCI) 期刊副主编和客座主编,Applied Energy (SCI) 期刊客座主编,Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI) 期刊客座主编,Reports on Economics and Finance 期刊编委,《环境经济研究》和《中国石油大学学报(社科版)》期刊编委,以及60多个国际期刊审稿人。在新加坡主持和参与二十多项能源环境相关的政府研究项目,获得新加坡环境与水资源部、贸易与工业部、外交部、经济发展局、国家环境署、能源市场管理局、海运和港口管理局、气候变化秘书处、国家研究基金会等政府部门资金支持。

学术报告题目:Aggregate Embodied Energy/Emission Intensities and Their Driving Forces using Input-Output and Structural Decomposition Frameworks

报告人:苏斌 博士, 新加坡国立大学 能源研究所 高级研究员

摘要:Aggregate intensity indicators, such as the ratio of a country's energy and emissions to its GDP, are often used by researchers and policymakers to study energy and environmental performance. This talk discusses the relationship between energy (or emissions) and value added (or GDP) from a different viewpoint, namely from the demand rather than the production perspective, using the input–output (I–O) framework. The aggregate embodied intensity (AEI), defined as the ratio of embodied energy (or emissions) to embodied value added, can be defined at the aggregate, final demand category and sectoral levels. Changes of the AEI at different levels can be decomposed to identify the driving forces using multiplicative structural decomposition analysis (SDA). China’s I-O and energy/emissions dataset are used in the empirical study. The proposed framework can be applied to other aggregate intensity indicators and extended to multi-country/region analysis.


学术报告题目:Energy Efficiency Gap and Target Setting: A Study of Information Asymmetry between Governments and Industries in China

报告人:魏涛远 博士, 挪威奥斯陆国际气候与环境研究中心 资深研究员

摘要:Information asymmetry between governments and industries is a major impediment to set an optimal energy efficiency target for reduction in energy demand. Typically the regulators from governments face challenges of incomplete and imperfect information on the minimum improvement in energy intensity that industries would achieve in baseline cases and the maximum technical potential of energy efficiency that industries are able to achieve. China has taken major strides toward improved energy efficiency with nation-wide industrial energy management programmes during the 11th and 12th Five-year Plans (2006-2015). By applying a two-tier stochastic frontier model in the Chinese market, we disentangle the effects of information asymmetry between the governments and firms on industrial energy intensity change from those of other major regulatory, technological and economic factors at the province level. We find that, on average, nearly 80 percent of the unexplained change in industrial energy intensity in China over the period of 2006-2015 is attributed to the bargaining power of firms due to information inefficiency on energy savings potential. The net effect of bargaining between governments and firms leads to lower the improvement in industrial energy intensity by 16 percent compared to the expected level that should have occurred otherwise in the absence of this information asymmetry. However, the impact of governments bargaining power on a yearly basis continues growing over our study period, exceeding the impact of firms from 2013 to 2015.

王赞信,男,云南大学研究员,博士生导师。2005年毕业于菲律宾大学,获博士学位;2011年获瑞典皇家科新葡京官网 Beijer生态经济研究所 Mäler基金资助,为该院客座研究员;现为云南省中青年学术带头人;云南省教育厅“能源转型与绿色经济发展研究”创新团队带头人。主要研究领域为能源经济学、可持续发展理论与政策、国际经济合作。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目3项,加拿大国际发展研究中心(IDRC)和亚洲开发银行(ADB)等机构资助的科研项目5项。以第一作者在Energy Policy, Biomass and Bioenergy,Sustainability, Journal of Environment and Development,中国人口资源与环境等国内外期刊发表论文20多篇。获云南省优秀哲学社会科学优秀成果奖4项。现为期刊Journal of Environmental Management的副主编;Energy, Energy Policy, Land use policy, Journal of environment and Development等期刊审稿人;国家自然科学基金项目、国家社会科学基金项目和中国博士后基金项目评审人。