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能源经济学研讨会 【总第124期】

发文时间: 2020-10-22 阅读次数:

能源经济学研讨会 【总第124期】

Response and Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change



主讲人:龚斌磊 浙江大学公共管理新葡京官网 副教授

活动安排:13:00-14:00 学术报告

14:00-14:30 参会人员交流


This article aims to identify the mechanism of how climate change affects agriculture through various channels and the mechanism of longer-run adaptation. Using a county-panel dataset spanning the past 35 years, we evaluate the impact of global warming on agricultural total factor productivity (TFP) as well as the impacts on agricultural inputs and outputs in China. Results show that, in the short run, extreme heat has negative effects on China’s agricultural TFP and input utilization, which results in a more negative effect on agricultural output measured by yield. However, longer-run adaptation has offset 37.9% of the short-run effects of extreme heat exposure on TFP, while climate adaptation mitigates agricultural output loss to a greater extent due to more flexible adjustment in labor, fertilizer, and machines in the long run. Despite the detected climate adaptation, projections of impacts under future climate change scenarios still imply a substantial loss in China’s agriculture.



龚斌磊,美国莱斯大学经济学博士,浙江大学公共管理新葡京官网 长聘副教授、研究员、博导,美国贝克公共政策研究所客座研究员。担任浙江大学环境与能源政策研究中心副主任,浙江大学CARD中国农村家庭调查与研究中心执行主任。研究领域属于应用计量与发展经济学,聚焦农业经济学、产业经济学、资源与环境经济学等方向,关注农业和能源行业的技术进步、生产率和增长核算等议题。个人独著发表在Journal of Development Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Energy Journal 等期刊,合作论文发表在Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Productivity Analysis 等期刊,并担任Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Development Economics 等23种SSCI期刊审稿专家。

能源经济学研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)由新葡京官网 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究中国能源经济问题的学者提供交流的平台。

联系人:郑㼆([email protected]

中国人民大学 新葡京官网 能源经济系