国民经济管理Seminar Potential influence of climate change on grain self-sufficiency
演讲题目:Potential influence of climate change on grain self-sufficiency (气候变化对粮食自给率的潜在影响研究)
摘要:In the past decades, grain self-sufficiency is one of key security issues for some countries such as Russia, China, India, and France. Climate change may affect agricultural production and possibly influence grain self-sufficiency of some countries, threatening their food security. This article provides an updated integrated assessment of the impact on grain self-sufficiency of climate change at country level. The study is linking climatic variables projected by global climate models to economic variables simulated by a global multi-region multi-sector CGE model based on a global input-output dataset. Although climate change may considerably reduce land productivity, our results show that climate change in the long term modestly impacts regional grain self-sufficiency, as direct effects on yield is largely canceled out by changes in grain production via adaptation measures taken by producers as responses to market signals. Behavior changes of consumers also contribute modest to cancel out the adverse impact on land productivity. In the RCP8.5 scenario of climate change, the adverse impact of climate change on land productivity in 2100 may reach 25% of the current level, but shrinks to 5% when changes in production and consumption are considered, thus indicating the role of long-term adaptation by economic agents.