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[区域与城市经济学术沙龙]A Comparative Study of Regional Dynamics of U.S. and China

发文时间: 2018-10-17 阅读次数:


本期主题: A Comparative Study of Regional Dynamics of U.S. and China

主 讲 人:Shuming Bao, Director, China Data Institute 

时   间:2018年10月16日中午12点—14点

地   点:明德主楼734会议室


Both U.S. and China have experienced significant socioeconomic dynamics within recent decades, including the spatial distribution and composition of population and industry. While some regions experienced spatial growth of population and industry, some other regions experienced declining population and industry, Among 2,751 counties/districts in China, 1,031 counties/districts experienced shrinking population from 2000 to 2010. Among 3,143 counties in the U.S., 1,099 counties experienced shrinking population from 2000 to 2010 and 801 counties experienced shrinking population from 1970 to 2010. Those trends may continue and will have significant impacts on regional development and reshape the future landscape, in terms of population, economy, politics, culture, and environment. This talk will present a comparative study of regional dynamics of U.S. and China based on US Geo-Explorer and China Geo-Explorer. It will demonstrate: how to identify those regions with growing or declining population in the U.S. and China; how to identify the difference in the population and industry structure between growing and declining regions; and how to identify primary changes in the population and industrial/business structure of declining regions. Some databases and tools for the spatial study of regional dynamics will be discussed.


Shuming Bao received his Ph. D. in applied economics from Clemson University. He is currently the director of the China Data Institute in the US, and the co-director of the Geocomputation Center for Social Sciences at Wuhan University. He was a research scientist at the MathSoft from 1996-1997, a senior research coordinator for China initiatives of the UM International Institute from 197 to 2012, a faculty member of the Institute of Social Research (ISR) and the director of the China Data Center at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor from 2012 to 2018. He was the founding director of the Key Lab of Poyang Lake Watershed and Wetland of the Ministry of Education at Jiangxi Normal University from 2004 to 2009, and the founding director of the Lab for Urban and Regional Analysis of East China University of Science and Technology from 2009 to current. He is currently serving as the General Secretary of the Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Science (CPGIS) and the Executive Director of the Chinese Economists Society (CES). Dr. Bao has published more than 80 papers in the areas of GIS, regional economics, and spatial data analysis.