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投入产出技术前沿讲座(​Measuring the Effects of Energy Transition: A Structural Decomposition Analysis of the Change)

发文时间: 2019-11-14 阅读次数:

主讲人:Erik Dietzenbacher




主讲人简介:Erik Dietzenbacher教授是国际投入产出领域最有影响力的学者之一,是荷兰格罗宁根大学经济与商新葡京官网 教授,中国科新葡京官网 大学管理新葡京官网 客座教授;国际投入产出学会会士、国际投入产出学会前任主席、中国投入产出学会名誉理事长;担任《Journal of Regional Science》副主编,国际投入产出学会会刊《Economic Systems Research》前任主编;是WIOD数据库发起人之一。在经济增长、国际贸易、能源与环境、产业结构、国民经济核算等领域都取得重要研究成果,推动了投入产出技术的广泛应用和发展。

报告摘要:This study investigates the growth in global renewable energy use between 2000 and 2014. To identify its main contributors and their geographical distribution, a structural decomposition analysis is applied to global multi-regional input-output tables. A new variant of this type of analysis is developed that introduces energy transition (i.e. the substitution of non-renewable energy by renewable energy) as one of the contributors. Global renewable energy use rose by 22.1 Exa Joules (EJ), from 57.8 EJ in 2000 to 79.9 in 2014. The contribution of energy transition at the global level to this 22.1 EJ increase was small and positive (+1.3 EJ). As for the geographical distribution of the effects, positive effects are found for the European Union and the United States, negative effects for China, India, and the Rest of the World (which includes many developing and emerging countries). Trade structure changes also had a small effect on global renewable energy use (+1.1 EJ). The main contributions were the worldwide changes in: technology and overall energy efficiency (−23.6 EJ); consumption per capita (+32.2EJ); and population (+11.0 EJ).