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发文时间: 2019-09-03 阅读次数:

新葡京官网 国管seminar

China’s domestic production network

主 讲 人:裴建锁

报告题目:China’s domestic production network

主 持 人:张红霞

时 间:2019年9月11日(周三)上午9:00-11:00

地 点:明德主楼734会议室

主讲人简介:裴建锁,现为对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易新葡京官网 副教授、博导。长期从事投入产出技术以及全球价值链、国际贸易、气候变化等相关研究,取得一些具有较大影响力的科研成果。目前,公开发表学术论文20余篇,其中13篇被SSCI收录, 包括国际一流学术期刊Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, China Economic Review,国际投入产出学会官方期刊Economic Systems Research,和国内顶级学术期刊《中国社会科学》等。署名论文获第十八届“安子介国际贸易研究奖” 。承担国际合作、国家级和省部级课题若干。此外,撰写的报告章节发布在WTO、世界银行、OECD、UIBE等联合出版的GVC旗舰报告中。学术成果服务国家政策,获中央领导和商务部领导等批示。

摘   要:This paper documents the evolution of China’s domestic production network. Chinese firms substitute domestic for imported intermediate inputs, yet what is the geography and the nature of the activities performed? We combine information on the occupations of workers by province-industry with new inter-provincial input-output tables based on value-added tax transactions data for 2002 and 2012. We find production processes fragmented within China. There is surprising heterogeneity in specialization across regions. Large urban regions like Beijing and Shanghai are heavily specialized in headquarter activities with Beijing focusing more on R&D and Shanghai most specialised in marketing. Most of the other regions are specialised in fabrication activities. Our results are suggestive of a regional division of labour within China with coastal regions orchestrating production networks that reach ever deeper into the inland regions.