新葡京官网 国管seminar
报告题目:How Do Patent Trolls Affect the Technological Innovation of Chinese Enterprises?
尹志锋,现为中央财经大学经济新葡京官网 副教授。长期从事创新经济学相关领域研究。在知识生产与企业创新、大数据下的专利诉讼与企业创新、最优专利保护制度设计等核心议题上进行了较为深入的研究,形成了系列研究成果。近年来,以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Informetrics、《世界经济》《中国工业经济》等国内外知名期刊发表与创新经济学相关的学术论文二十余篇,主持国家社科基金一项;作为主笔合作出版《中国企业创新能力评价报告2016》《中国企业创新能力评价报告2018》等系列研究报告。
The effects of patent trolling on enterprise technology innovation are hotly debated at both the theoretical and public policy levels, but relevant empirical research has been relatively scarce. Based on the 2017 China Patent Survey data, this paper examines how different levels of contact with patent trolls affect technological innovation of Chinese enterprises. We find that 54.05% of enterprises have heard of patent trolls, while 7.52% of enterprises have had direct contact with patent trolls. The results indicate that the emergence of patent trolls is beneficial for awakening Chinese enterprises’ awareness of intellectual property rights and enhancing technological innovation through increasing R&D investment and patent accumulation. However, direct contact with patent trolls is not conducive to improving the quality of patents. The contact also has a significant negative impact on patent implementation, a consequence mainly reflected in the decline of patents self-implemented by target enterprises and an increase in patent licensing. In other words, enterprises are moving from self-implementing patents towards patent licensing. To some extent, this reveals a ‘patent troll infection’ that hinders the implementation of patented technology. This paper contributes to examining the overall effects of patent trolling on technological innovation in the context of developing economies.