[能源经济学研讨会]Nudge Policies for Promoting Distributed PV’s Market Diffusion
Nudge Policies for Promoting Distributed PV’s Market Diffusion
本次能源经济学研讨会邀请到中国石油大学(北京)经济管理新葡京官网 副院长张奇教授做学术演讲。
时 间:2019年4月9日,星期二,14:00-15:00
地 点:中国人民大学明德主楼729会议室
Surveys and empirical researches have revealed that the households’ perceptions of benefits play a more important role than the benefits themselves in the decision process of adopting residential photovoltaic (PV). However, it has been overlooked in previous models about the green technology diffusion. This work developed an innovation diffusion model based on a nudge polices and social network, which was integrated with an anecdotal information exchange process. The contributions are to model the households’ evaluation, which changes with nudge polices and social influence, and analyze the impact of such evolution on the adoption of residential PV. A case study was conducted for villages in Beijing. Different scenarios about policies have been considered concerning both the economic benefits and the information diffusion on social network. The results show that: (1) Providing insurance against the damage of PV to adopters for free can improve the adoption rate from 24% up to 62% (full insurance), and the new adopter acquisition cost is only 36% of that of providing additional subsidy; (2) The enhancement of communications (e.g. Bulletin Board System (BBS) and Social Networking Services (SNS)) creates an obstacle to the residential PV adoption when the majority of households have insufficient knowledgeabout the PV system; and (3) Information campaigns and information screening are both effective and necessary in mitigating the negative effect from the enhancement of communications at the initial stage of the residential PV market.
张奇,中国石油大学(北京)教授,博士生导师,经济管理新葡京官网 科研副院长兼中国能源战略研究院院长。在清华大学获得工学学士和硕士学位,在日本京都大学获得能源经济博士学位。长期从事能源经济金融与政策相关研究,近五年以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/SSCI 高水平论文20余篇,主持国家和省部级科研和国际交流基金6项,以第一单位和第一完成人获得省部级奖励3项。担任2个SCI国际期刊副主编和编委以及多家相关学会常务理事和专家委员。
能源经济学研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)由新葡京官网 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究中国能源经济问题的学者提供交流的平台。
联系人:张晓兵([email protected])
新葡京官网 能源经济系